Monday, November 06, 2006


Quentin Curry is a young New York Artist. In 2006, his series of paintings were images of the aftermath of everyday disasters. Using sentimental image, his paintings provide a deeply layered, apocalyptic vision of a not too distant future (or past). The paintings face are often dominated by a thick and grainy texture made by applying pigment to the painting through the weave of various fabrics. His use of the weave can also be seen in his compositions, which bring together often-dispart scenes and characters to create his subjects.

He will be featured in upcoming group shows at Stellan Holm Gallery and Stephen Stux in New York as well as Kavi Gupta in Chicago. He also has a scheduled solo show in 2007 with Stellan Holm Gallery. Curry lives and works in New York and happens to be my brother in law! You can see his work on his website at or email him at

He recently exhibited in LA at the Kantor/Feuer gallery on Melrose. He can be reached through Kantor/Feuer gallery.
702 Melrose Ave, LA CA 90038 email.

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