Friday, October 29, 2010


I was in Soho Yesterday and there was a street artist called Matthew Courtney that was a force of nature so magnetic, I couldn't help but stop and see him. He had written one of JFK's quotes on a piece of newspaper. It inspired me to commission him to a piece for $40, I'm all for helping out artists on the street. He told me he was a RIDICULOUS OPTIMIST. When I asked him why, he told me about some of his experiences, and one that stuck out is that he has had AIDS since 2002. He is CLEARLY still passionate about life, making art everyday, and doing what he wants to do on his terms. All the money in the world is cannot buy what he has. Happiness and HOPE. I got the chills and immediately wanted to hug him to get some of his energy.

HIS WORK. He uses newspaper, writes quotes with a thick black marker, and then colors a letter or two in with a very colorful chalk. Above, mine has a POP of Kelly Green.

This piece may never get into the Whitney but its a reminder for me, a moment in my life, when I was asked to come to New York for a really memorable experience. It will confirm that HOPE is always the road to a dream's birth. I never thought I would ever meet, let alone be on the Nate Berkus show or meet the lovely Michelle Adams from Lonny.

A quote that has gotten me through some rough times, that I and many of you may be going through, is pictured above. WE ARE THE SUM OF ALL OUR EXPERIENCES. If you are going through an uncomfortable time, have hope and be a ridiculous optimist. You can bounce, and just remember all of the past experiences have gotten you here.

Matthew does not own a cell phone or a website address since he believes that all the technology now has made us socially inept, but he can be found on Prince Street near Greene. Check out his Youtube video by click on the title above. ITS PRETTY COOL!

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