Thursday, February 22, 2007


Sydney Poitier. There seems to be alot of hype about this book so I just ordered it. Mr. Poitier has been in films that really broke alot of rules, like Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (with Tracy & Hepburn), and Uptown Saturday Night (with Bill Cosby). He has been in many more, but what is wonderful about him is that he is proof that you can change the way other people think and change the way that you think if you want to. He took chances, and that is something that is very difficult to do when you get older.

There are a few points one of the reviewer's pointed out and made it an easy sell: He would have not been the person he is, had he not settled for forgiveness of all the injustice he experienced. All of his achievements are the result of his attitude and approach to life. As much as I admire him for the awards he won, I have to believe that it was his personality that attracted all the success he achieved. His biggest lesson for me personally is his dignity and respect for himself as well as humanity. "
Check it out by clicking the pink title. Its on paperback and hardback.

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