Monday, March 05, 2007


I went to LACMA yesterday to check out the René Magritte show where thirty-one contemporary artists are also exhibited to show the influent Magritte had on some of these amazing artist.
As I was walking through the gallery, I was more impressed with the cloud carpeted floor and the ceilings made of a photo montage of highways, than the actual art work of Magritte. I know that he has been celebrated as an artist that makes you think and his conceptual ideas revolutionized the era that he was in, but I don't really like his art. I think he is trying to hard. Bold statement I know... I do admire his lead in art history with words and out of the box images in certain scenarios, but I think he was just thinking to much and overanalyzed the art that he just couldn't produce. However, I do find it amazing the artists that understood his work and were inspired by it...Andy Warhol, Jeff Koons, Jasper Johns, John Baldessari...I really enjoyed seeing their pieces on display.
I did like a few pieces immediately...the photo that said WRONG. I liked the musical instruments on fire...I liked the passion in those pieces. I like the woman that had the man hands in her own body that was terrorizing her. Seriously disturbing.

You can see some of his work by clicking on the pink title.

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