Monday, March 19, 2007


My dad is a pretty amazing guy. He doesn't have a website to show all thing accomplishments, but he is this amazing resilent and focused man that can get through anything. He had a very difficult childhood living through a war, poverty, and being separated from his family at 12 just to be on his own, made his way through the best schools in Korea while working to support the education, joined the army, immigrated to the US somehow through a education scholarship with only $200 in his pocket and this eternal optimism.

He has taught me alot growing up...he has excelled in the Martial arts and he is a 12th degree Master. I have had some personal trials the last few weeks so we have been talking alot about life. He said some things that really hit home. He said in life, we ALL have some sort of suffering. Whether its illness, a death, a loss of a husband or partner, a job loss or big financial loss, whatever it is...we all are suffering. Some show it more than others, but we all have our sad story.
He challenenged me to be different. Rather than be sad about what cannot be changed, he told me to readjust my attitude to outsmart the part of me that wants to dwell on the things that bring me pain. In order to be successful and to excel, he said people must do three things...
If you click on the pink title there is a website of one of my dad's students who offers martial arts to all, but there was a good photo of him if you want to see him. My dad is amazing. If he can survive the things that he has, I guess all of us can.

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